27 Years Old...Another Year To Be Thankful

As I had my Birthday phone date with one of my Best Friends from high school, I told her, " I remember thinking back in high school that people in their late twenties seemed old and then thirty seemed like such a huge mile marker. Now I am that person turning twenty-seven."
As I look back on my year I am beyond thankful for everything. My struggles, the hardships that have made me stronger and reminded me of how strong I really am. My happiness and my three Beautiful Daughters.  Now I am ready to start my new year as my new age. 
You never know what God may throw at you day to day, but I have learned that we all must live life to the fullest and never take our days for granted.

For this years Birthday...To be honest all I wanted to do this year was dress up in my new comfy sweat pants from Express, order Chinese food for lunch, grab my free Birthday latte from Starbucks and lastly, rent the movie Gone Girl.

So I did just that!

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