4 Parenting Disciplinary Don'ts

  1. Yelling. It is just plane not effective. At least not in our household. I have learned that from my own experience with our Daughters. Yelling can cause a reaction of shame, or hurt. It can also cause your child to build anger and to start yelling back. Now when I feel myself getting  to the point of that frustration where I feel like yelling I take a deep breath and count to ten in my head. For example if after telling my Daughters a handful times to clean their room and they ignore me. It actually helps. Why? I believe while doing so my Daughters know I am not a happy Mama at this point. What do you do that helps you from yelling?
  2. Bribing. My husband and weren't guilty of this one till we had our third Daughter.  Bribing your child to be good is a big...no no. Doing so you are only going to get short lived results of good behavior from your child. Bribing your child to be good is not teaching them responsibility of how to behave properly. 
  3. Empty Threats. I am still terrible at this one and my family members remind me. Empty threats are a no no because eventually your child is going to learn that you're not going to follow through and there is no punishment in the long run. Empty threats are teaching our children that they can get away with misbehaving. 
  4. No Undermining Your Partner. Are children are sneaky and very smart. Don't you remember when you were a child when your Mom told you no so you ran off to your Dad? Our Daughters have learned this trick all to well. Now My Husband and I have figured out the game and beat them to it. We simply reply with, "What did your Mom/ Dad say?" It is very important to stick together as parenting partners. Not being a team can become very stressful. 

I know I fail at these here and there because I am not a perfect parent. All I can do is try and try again because it is whats best for my Daughters. Every time I try and follow through they become better listeners, and are that much more responsible. 

What other tips help you with your child?
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1 comment

KelseyB said...

I think I am the mom queen of bribery. ha! I don't do it that often but I am known to wipe out a lollipop or two in a moment of desperation with three kids in the OB office. But I am with you, and totally agree on all of these.