Recently it was brought to my attention the way my family and I eat. Therefore It inspired me to write. Not that I feel I need to explain to the world why we eat the way we do, but it has been hanging heavy on my heart. Heck maybe some of my readers even wonder why. Or maybe you and your family eat the same way we do for the same reasons.
How we eat.
We eat organic and natural as much as we can. I try to do plant based foods for myself although lets be honest it is not easy. I try to limit our gluten and dairy from our food. Though I am not perfect at any of this and it is expensive to eat this way completely for a family of five. Trust me I have learned this after looking at our grocery bills compared to the past.
Why we eat this way.
I started off eating this way just myself since I am a chronic migraine sufferer. Since a little kid my parents learned that canned foods trigger my migraines. As I am now older I figured out boxed shelf foods (that have shelf life) also trigger my horrible migraines. Also as a child I was allergic to dairy. Now as an adult I am lactose intolerant. I know my limits and what I should and should not eat. Therefore it is easier for me to eat natural/plant based and be migraine free. Although I am not perfect therefore I do have my moments when I indulge in sweets.
As for my kids, I try to give them organic vs non-organic. I know there is some different between organic vs. natural that's why I am using both words. Bare with me as I am still learning both. Our youngest Daughter has always had some stomach issues since she was a baby. She has been back and forth from her Pediatric Doctor, has had blood work done and different foods taken out of her diet. Her blood work came back suspicious of Celiacs Disease therefore we started her on a more natural way of eating. She will be going back in for another round of blood work. Prayers welcomed.
Soon after our oldest Daughter started episodes of vomiting that would continue all night long. Finally after being diagnosed with Acid Reflux she has started eating more natural/organic/plant based, of course with her moments of indulging in goodies.
Gluten Free waffles and natural peanut butter with blueberry use to be her favorite breakfast. |
Do you eat organic//natural//gluten free//dairy free and is there a certain reason why?
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