Behind The Blog Update

Welcome to the first ever behind the blog update. Ever wonder what goes on behind the scences of Three Sisters and Us? We are your typical normal family. We are all our own normal. Being the same is boring.

School. Any who before I start getting lost in my own words: the update. We have been busy...busy...and some more busy. If it weren't for my go go juice in the mornings I don't think I would survive. Okay, who am I kid'n! All day a coffee cup in my hand at home and a coffee mug ready to walk out the door is more like it. Any other Moms or Dads out there know what I'm talking about? Is that the official sign that I now have joined the "school mom" routine, sports and activites? That brings me into the end of the school year. Yay...wohoo! Mom's can be just as excited that it's the end of the school year too right?! If you feel ashamed, don't I repeat...don't. It is okay to be just as excited as your kids and maybe a little more emotional. After tomorrow I will now have a kindergartener and second grader on my hands. Where the heck did time pass by? This past school was a great one. I am so proud of the little ladies they have become and the new knowledge they have stored. Here is to a fun summer ahead of us with lots of laughter, camp fires, s'mores, friends, bikes rides and what ever comes our way.

Three Sisters. They sure know how to keep me on my toes. What kid doesn't though. Just because they are girls does not mean they can't be rough or un-lady like. As their Mom I do my bes
t and reteach them the "lady rules" or better known as "proper ediquite."

  • Our lovely Daughter Viv has been super defiant lately along with pushing my patience x10. I have also learned she is not afraid to embarrase me in public as she tells us all to be to be quiet in the store and... surprise! I'm sure you can guess from there. Ha ha! I have also been learning that she is the least lady like of all three of our Daughters. Right now I am far from being afraid of her having a boyfriend in the far future. That may be TMI but that is our real and true Viv. 
  • Evalyn has lost a hand full of baby teeth lately. I feel like every time I turn around she has another tooth in her hand. She is going to break the Tooth Fairy's bank soon. It then sets off a ripple affect with the other two thinking they have lose teeth as well. It's a fun stage watching her adult teeth grow in, wondering how big they are going to be. Also hoping they all come in perfectly. 
  • Oh the baby of the family. Helen is well the baby of course. She is in her last week of diapers. We are going to start going on the big girl potty this weekend. Fingers crossed. I know she is ready and she knows it too. She just wants to be the baby forever. At least that is what she has informed me the other week. After much convining her she is now a big girl, she is ready to move on from diapers. Yay! I have been changing diapers for the past almost eight years of my life. Phew... Stay tuned for a potty training post.
Us. Where do I begin? Being a SAHM and having a Husband that works a lot of hours can be chalenging. But it's what you make out of the time you have together that counts. We have been finding that out lately and really making the time we have together really count.
  • We don't get out of the house away from our kids often at all. Therefore we have been utilizing our evening/ night time for "at home date nights." 
  • We have been working on understanding each other. Key in a marriage. 
We  have been doing some country driving and checking out a few houses this spring. We know our next move will be into the country. My hope is to buy a farm house for our family. In the mean time while we wait for the next house to steal our hearts to pop up, we currently keep working on the one we own while making memories. And of course writing my blog not at my desk but at my kitchen table. 

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1 comment

AngieOuellette-Tower said...

I love your daughter's crazy hair - so cute! Great post!