This morning I'd like to introduce to you Carolyn from A Lavender Life. I am thrilled to have her guest post today with us on Three Sisters and us. I am a total fan of her blog for a few reasons. One being her blog is very informative in a friendly family way.
I’m so excited to be guest posting on Three Sisters and Us! I’ve been a fan of this blog since I discovered it a few months ago. Because each and every post is written with such openness and honesty, Three Sisters and Us is always very refreshing to read. Thanks for having me here, Kaitlyn!
Today I’m sharing tips and ideas on how we can bond with our kids as the snow melts and the temperatures warm:
5 Simple Ways to Bond With Your Kids This Spring
Crafting. If the word has you ready to roll your eyes and call it quits already, you’re probably as craft-challenged as I am. Fortunately, there are a lot of simple, spring-inspired craft projects out there for those parents who are lacking in artistic ability. Check out Love, Pasta and a Tool belt, Just a Girl and Her Blog, Mother's Niche, Live, Laugh, Rowe and The 36th Avenue for some great spring crafting ideas.
Planting. When I picked my oldest daughter up from school today she was absolutely beaming over a lima bean she had in her tote bag which we promptly planted in a small cup the minute we got home. This lima bean made her day. I know she is going to love planting flowers with me this year and she already has her own gardening tools (Thanks, Grandma). There are so many fun and creative ways to involve your kids in your gardening plans and projects. Check out this cute idea for a Kids Fairy Garden.
Reading. Few things that we do with our kids are as meaningful as reading together. If you're looking for some great spring time reads for your kids you are not alone! I recently browsed the aisles of Barnes and Noble and found some great seasonal stories for you to share with your little ones:
- Splat the Cat: Oopsie-Daisy
by Ron Scotton
- Spring Things
by Bob Raczka
- Spring Is Here!: A Story About Seeds (Ant Hill)
by Joan Holub
- Mud!
by Wendy Cheyette Lewison
Hiking and Walking Trails. Spring is a great time to get out walking, especially here in Atlanta because it will be unbearably hot before long. I've been loading my little ladies into our double stroller and hoofing it around the nearby neighborhoods for a few weeks now and its been great and really relaxing! What better way to see the blooming and budding flowers and trees? If you are more of an adventurous sort, you might rather be out hiking. Due to the enormous size of various hideous insects in Georgia, braving local walking trails are not among my list of favorite ways to pass the time, but if you enjoy a good hike, spring is certainly a great time of year to lace up your hiking boots and seek out some nearby parks with trails.
What activities do you have planned for your kids this spring?
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