You're just WRITE For Me: Valentine's Day Kids Card Exchange

This year we have two daughter who get the fun of exchanging Valentines cards in class. As a mother with a daughter in first grade I have noticed that the tradition if going to the store and picking out your favorite themed Valentines cards in a box is starting to drift away. I partly put the blame on Pinterest. Although I have to admit I use Pinterest myself and do like the website. But it does not help my competitive side when I see these neat ideas come home. I then think what can we do next year to top that! I know bad example as a parent.

In the long run I put my inner competitiveness aside. I never mention a thing to my daughters. So don't worry, ha ha. I let them choose which route they would like to take, via traditional or homemade. So far it has always been homemade. Therefore I thought I would be kind enough so share one so far that we have started making. It is simple and easy. Not to mention these are perfect for the classroom Valentine's day card exchange.


  • Pencils- I bought ours from the Dollar Tree store. One package came with 12 for 1.00 dollar. 
  • Card stock paper.
  • Scissors
  • Hole puncher 
  • pencil to trace
  • print out a heart to use to trace onto the paper. 
How To

  1. Print off a heart to trace if you do not already have one. Google and Pinterest are great sites to get one from. 
  2. Trace the heart and cut it our. decorate your heart however you would like it. Make sure to leave room to write, " You're just WRITE for me on it.
  3. Write "You're just WRITE for me"on your heart.
  4. Punch two holes into your heart on opposite sides. See picture if needed. 
  5. Put in the pencil. The holes may be a little small. I used the end of a pen to open the holes up a little to squeeze in the pencils. 
  6. There you have it! A finished product. 
Do you try to stick to the traditional Valentines card with your kids??
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Charlene Maugeri said...

This is so cute! Such a good idea.

Stepping into Motherhood said...

That's such a cute idea. And my husband literally just 30 minutes ago came home with the old school box of valentine cards for my preschool age daughter to fill out for her party on Friday. I will have to try to remember this for her kindergarten party next year. I'm not a crafty/pinterest person but even so it gets to the competive side of me too :).
Angela @ Time with A & N