My Best Friend's Wedding, Our Pact

It all started out with a bit. Literally.

The once two and three year old neighbors soon grew to become best friends. That was after I ran home and told on her and my Mom marched down to her house and our Mom's had a chat.

Those childhood best friends always talked about our dreams when we were little. You know the ones that include a white dress.

When we were young in elementary school we made a pact that we were going to be in each other's wedding.

Who would of known twenty-three years later we are still best friends. Even though we Don't need to talk every single day. We can leave off right where we left off at.

The wedding pact we made all those years go still stand if your wondering! She was in my wedding going on seven years ago. And I am in her wedding this coming summer.

I am so excited to be able to experience these life journey's together.

Do you have a life long friend?
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1 comment

Staci said...

I love this!!!