Before I write the story of Helen's big surgery day, I thought I could at least fill those of you in with her recovery thus far. Our morning started before the crack of dawn. Helen did wonderful with the whole process till the waking up part after surgery. She absolutely hated the IV. Hated is putting terms lightly. It took three of us to hold our strong girl down. With that being said, the nurse took the IV out before Helen was able to rip it out herself. That was with praying she would keep clear liquids down and actually end up drinking some clear liquids before being able to get released. The IV is usually left in event of dehydration and so forth.
She was very drowsy and slept most of the day and night. Which really was a blessing. Although in between she threw some pretty good temper tantrums. At times which I was getting overwhelmed as a parent, but knew God was in control. I knew tomorrow was drawing near and Helen would feel more relief, even us too as parents.
Helen had a really big day yesterday. We are not sure how much she actually remembers. She slept great last night through the night. Thank you answered prayer! This morning she woke up and was talking a lot more clearly, and said the word, "hospital" clear as day. She is not a fan of the ointments we have to do on/in her eyes thus far or the cold cloths we have to lay on her eyes. Helen's eye's are very sensitive to light at this time as well. We had to black out the windows. That was a huge crying factor last night. So she has been wearing her sunglasses, even while watching cartoons. He He.
Though this morning she is good spirits and wanting to play, Helen is still in the beginning stages of recovery. We have to watch out for certain things with her eyes. She is doing great with us reminding her not to rub them.
So thank you again and we still love the prayers for Helen for her recovery to continue to be a positive road with no complications.
I am so glad there were no complications and she seems in high spirits today! Continuing to pray for her and your family as you continue the recovery process!
Praise God! Helen is still in my thoughts & prayers (and you too!)
so happy to hear that everything went well! ongoing thoughts and prayers for a smooth recovery. thanks for linking up :)
So pleased to hear that she made it through the surgery and was in good spirits. Wishing you yourr family a quick and very successful recovery. Thank you for sharing on the Four Seasons Blog Hop!! By the way, is your link up party new?
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