Believing In Santa...

Do your children believe in magic of Santa? Did you believe in the magical mystery of Santa as a child yourself? Well I will start off by telling you I did not as a child. Never ever did. You could not convince me that Santa was real no matter how hard you tried. I was that child that told all the Santa believers, "Hey did you know Santa is not real?" and yes even some would start to cry. Of course I would get end of getting scolded by my mother later that day.
That brings me to this modern day. Once we had our first child I thought how neat it would be if she believed in the magic of Santa, and I could play along with it. How fun would that be. My husband on the other hand was a Santa believer as a child. Good thing we never meet as young children. Ha ha! My husband had a conversation along the lines if our girls are believers or not and what we will do. Lone be hold, all three are Santa believers. So far at least. Every year it has been fun listening to them talk about Santa, reminding themselves they need to start being good around Christmas and you get my idea.
Well this year, my four year old is starting to drill me with questions as if I am in an interrogation room. I have done 90 percent of my Christmas shopping on-line this year, which means boxes have been arriving to our house. They have been arriving at the so not perfect time of the days. I can't leave the boxes outside in the rain or snow. Plus my four year old is smart enough to realize we don't usually get these many boxes delivered. Lets just say, "helping Santa out" only is working for so long.  She has also told me that we have the same wrapping paper as Santa. Too smart for her own good. Trying to convince our four year old that Santa can still visit our home even though we have no fireplace can become difficult. I have a feeling the magic of Santa is dwindling with our lovely four year old daughter. And sooner or later she will hopefully not turn into the once non Santa believer I knew twenty something years ago. Instead a gentle non Santa believer.  

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