Do You Have A Question???

I thought I would do a different style post this time. I get bored easily and time to time like to change things up. Don't we all? This time I thought I'd leave the next post I write somewhat up to you guys.
How? In the comment box leave a question for me to answer in my next "Questions you asked me" post. You may even e-mail me a question if that makes you feel more comfortable at

Please note; commenting is always open to public.

I can't wait to read your questions and answer them!

PS. I am looking for an inspiration Mom blogger to do guest post next week. Please email me again at for more information. I can't wait to hear from you.

1 comment

Christina Morley said...

What's your favorite thing to do to relax and have fun?
What's your favorite meal to make when you don't have much time?
What steps do you take to go green?
I always try to visit people who leave a link on my blog. I love reading other blogger's posts, but I am too busy and have too many blogs that I follow, so I need a prompt from you. Please let me know every week. :)