Now Your 7!

Today our oldest turned seven. As every parent says, "where did the years go?" So I wanted to do a birthday post different this time. I'm choosing to write in a letter form.

Dear Ev,
Now that your seven you have made known you are no longer our baby. You are officially growing into a young girl and have left the toddler years behind. I don't know whether to be happy or sad. maybe I am both. I am sad that you are no longer my baby, but I will forever cherish our memories together as you have grown. I am happy that I am your mother and will be able to help you grow into a young women someday. 
I am so proud of the little girl you have grown to become. I admit I was a little nervous being I was a teenage mother for the first three years of your life. But you have grown into an amazing young girl. I am proud of the foot steps you lead for your little sisters to follow. I know they look up to you and I hope someday you realize that too. But for now I know they make you want to literally scream at times. That's okay, as I always say, "that's what sisters do." I am beyond proud of your achievements. You are artistic, smart and have a heart of gold.
As you continue to mature into a little girl I pray that I teach you right from wrong. I pray that this next year is full of excitements along with brand new achievements. I hope you continue to dig deeper into your artistic side.
I'm sure there will be moments when you get mad at me or dislike but, but I will always love you. I will always be proud of you.
Happy 7TH Birthday!!

                                                                 Love, Mommy!

1 comment

Unknown said...

7 all ready. remember every day good or bad should be cherished. love Gramps.