Our Chalk Wall: Revised

Roughly over a year ago we bought chalkboard paint for our daughters toy room. That idea seemed to cease. We now have what we call a chalk wall in our kitchen/dinning area! It was all my idea, crazy I know. I think my husband thought I was a little on the crazy side with this idea of painting the WHOLE wall BLACK as well. I've seen other parents do it for their kids and looked like so much fun. Once my husband started the painting process, I started thinking to myself, "what was I thinking?!" Of course I didn't want my husband to know I was second guessing myself once I saw the FIRST coat of pure...black...chalkboard paint covering my whole wall right in the middle of my kitchen and dinning area.

The paint had to sit for 4 days to dry. Once the paint was dry, the girls were able to draw pretty art all over. To this day we get so many comments on our pretty awesome chalk wall. I must admit, I feel like a pretty cool Mom. 

Please note the pictures were taken with my phone and not edited. Thanks!

We also use it for learning


Unknown said...

We use to get in trouble for writing on walls . how have things changed.

Anonymous said...

I like this idea for my sons room

Christina Morley said...

It's nice when they can be allowed the freedom to get creative on the wall and practice spelling too. ;)
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