How We Make Being A SAHM Work

Many people have once questioned how my husband and I make it with me being a "stay at home mom". Not just financially but all aspects that involve being able to be a stay at home mom. Therefore I thought I would share what we do and how we manage to make it work for us.

What made you choose to be a "Stay at home mom"? Let me start off with one of the most important questions I get. As a child I was in daycare while both of my parents worked full time. I hated it and did not want my children some day in daycare. Although sometimes that is not an option for some families. After attending college for a semester and a half while working part time for a couple years, we made the decision. It was not an easy decision but at the same time it was. It was easy for the fact that we knew in our hearts this is what we wanted for our girls. It was not easy in the part of figuring out how we can manage financially on one income.

Here is how we make it work. It may not work for all of you, but it has for us. It takes sacrifices, dedication, and communication.

We do not have brand new cars with car payments. Although we don't have ancient cars either. My husband is a mechanic so that comes in very handy. That is a huge sacrifice we make. I would love a brand new Honda Odyssey, but I know I would not like the monthly payments.

Cable TV
I'll be honest, we had cable TV for a couple years. In February I canceled it and wish I had a while ago. It is not a need, remember that. An easy bill to cut if you want to save money.

Credit Cards
I learned my lesson about 2 years ago with credit cars. Their pure evil. If you don't have the green stuff, then don't buy it. Plain and simple. It's not easy I know. Once we paid them all off, we use only cash...for everything. We have one card for emergencies that is it.

Trash Bill
You can get buy without a trash bill somewhat. Or at least cut it in half or more. Recycle and compost. It's a great way to teach kids, save money and help out mother nature. Our city offers free recycling.

I love to shop; what girl doesn't? I always look for sales and great deals for us. I'm pretty good at it too

. I love being thrifty and creative. It's helpful and plays an important role living on one income. Although you may not always find sales and those jaw dropping deals.

Me personally

How do you keep from going stir crazy, bored, etc?
This is another question I get asked frequently. My husband knows it's important for me to sneak out of the house for coffee dates with a girlfriend, my Mom or Mother-in-law. Because in all reality a trip to the grocery store does feel like a mini vacation away from the kids, but it's not "Me time". I do not get bored most of the time. I keep pretty busy with house work, laundry and the girls. I am a clean freak. I knit, read, or blog if I do feel bored though. 

Whether your a stay a home mom or dad, I feel it's important for you to get out once a week for an hour or two with a friend/parent. 

If you have any other questions about being a "stay at home mom" I would love to write another post!


Unknown said...

I love staying at home with the kids because I never want to miss anything and these are the years that you will never get back.
I was never EVER in daycare and my parents worked opposite shifts once my sister and I were in school. We never really had a babysitter besides my Grandma. I think that is how it should be. And I loved that our parents were always around.
It's crazy to see allt he things we got to do, and were lucky enough to do with our parents, that I'm learning that all people didn't do. It didn't seem special when I was a child...but now I am always reminded of how thankful I am to get to grow up and having one of my parents home all the time :)

Unknown said...

I wish I could have been a stay at home