Teething Bites!

Even though our littlest munchkin is 18 months, she is still in the teething stage. Since my husband and I have  gone through teething with all three daughters, I now know every baby deals with it differently . Our first daughter we would have never known she was getting a new tooth in unless we felt it or saw it. Therefore of course we figured teething was a piece of cake. That was until our second and third were born. I then dreaded the teething stage and everything that came along with it. The slight fevers, drooling and those nasty teething poops. Yup I said it, the teething poops which I'm sure many of you moms know exactly what I'm talking about. Oh and yes, can't forget when your baby is nicely sleeping through the nights, and all a sudden the teething stage ruins it.

So I thought  I'd share a few teething remedies that work great my daughter.

  •  I use the Hylands homeopathic teething tablets. They are like magic, and easily dissolve in their mouth. 
  •  For a teether our littlest has a maple wood teether. I like the more natural teethers instead of the plastic or rubber with the liquid's inside. 
  • Sophie the giraffe is an exception because the rubber material is all natural. She loved chewing on her.
  • All natural teething gel. I know a lot of parents who are turning away from the normal teething gel, so the natural teething gel is a nice alternative. 
  • In the summer a good ole fashion frozen washcloth for teething. Not only works great for them to chew on while frozen but helps keep cool during the summer heat. 


Amber Worden said...

I have never heard of the maple teething ring? We also use Sophia and teething tablets! Both works wonders! I would love to try the maple ring tho....

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

I purchased it at Hopscotch where I purchase my cloth diaper supplies. :)