Websites For Kindergardarteners

It's amazing how young children are when they learn to use computers these days. Our oldest who is 6 is a computer whiz This past weekend our daughter Viv who is 3 and a half just learned how to use the basics of a computer. Technology amazes me what is it now compared to when I was a child. 
   A while back during our daughters school conferences, her teacher shared a list of awesome educational websites for kindergartner's. I'm sure the websites are easily adaptable for younger a older ages as well. They can be helpful for rainy days or days that are too cold and brisk to play in the snow. Therefore here are some of my daughters favorite's from the list of educational websites. Plus it doesn't hurt to add a little education with fun.

Educational Websites


Megan said...

Thanks for posting this! We're always looking for new educational websites for our 6 year old daughter. She loves being on the computer.

Kaitlyn Hoffman said...

Your welcome!

Mariely Vélez said...

Thanks for sharing! I don't have any kids yet but this is really helpful for my cousin :) Thanks for stopping by my blog and for linking up to Nice to Meet You {Blog Hop}. Hope to see you linking up again next week!

Mariely @ Sensational Creations